Friday, February 13, 2009

Week 4

One of the largest global disparities in STIs is that of information and education. When people are not educated about the diseases that they have or could possibly contract, there is no way to keep it from spreading. Lifestyle changes must occur to keep diseases such as STIs from spreading. In many places around the world things such as condoms are available, however, the people either do not know how to use or they are stigmatized. They assume that if their spouse wants them to use a condom then they are not being faithful. This is taken so seriously in some countries that women have been beaten and even killed over the suggestion of using protection.
In the USA, for the most part we have access to the information we need about STIs and their means of spreading. We know that many of these diseases are curable and are not something that will ruin our lives. We also know how to prevent them from spreading and their is always a risk when engaging in sexual behavior. However, even within the United States these diseases are still prevalent. While lack of knowledge, in some cases, is still the reason for spread of disease in the USA many other reasons still affect spread of STIs. A main one is that most people that have these diseases either don't know or do not show any symptoms. People are still human and will make mistakes in judgement no matter how much information they have available to them.

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