Friday, March 13, 2009

Week 9: Bob Skinner

1. The thing that surprised me the most was the amount of medication he had to take. I also didn't realize all of the things that he has to do in regards to exercise and nutrition.

2. Bob's experience with HIV is definitely different from the majority of people around the world. Most people around the world that have the disease are heterosexual. This differs from Bob in the fact that he is homosexual. Another difference is the treatment and facility avaliable to him compared to that of the majority of HIV and AIDS patients around the world.

3. The route of HIV transmission in rural areas that Bob talked about is the one between wives and their husbands. This occurs because men possess all of the power in the relationship in these areas. If the wife tries to get their husband to use a condom to prevent HIV transmission, then it is assumed by the husband that the wife thinks that he has been unfaithful or that the wife has been unfaithful.

4. Treating HIV is rural areas is difficult because of the lack of treatment centers and the transportation to get to and from these centers. Most of the people in rural areas have to walk to and from these clinics so going routinely can be very difficult for patients. A lack of funding and trained physicians also accounts for some of the difficulty experienced by rural HIV patients trying to receive treatment.

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